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Science Cafe featuring Dr. Linda S. Rayor, Department of Entomology

  • 04/21/2015
  • 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Branded 72 (barbecue restaurant), 387 East Gude Drive in Rockville, MD

The Rockville Science Center presents Science Café featuring Dr. Linda S. Rayor, Department of Entomology, Cornell University.

Bio - Dr. Linda S. Rayor, Department of Entomology at Cornell University, specializes in spider behavior and science outreach.  Linda has won numerous teaching awards for her courses on SpiderBiology, Insect Behavior, and a course on how to do effective scientific outreach and organize outreach events. 

Linda directs the Naturalist Outreach Program, a large K-12 science outreach program that emphasizes backyard biology and natural history in CentralNew York (  

Linda has been producing a series of short science content videos on understanding nature starring her best students (YouTube ‘naturalistoutreach’ channel).   Her research focuses on the costs and benefits of group-living in predatory arthropods.  Dr. Rayor’s current research focuses on a comparison of the behavior and physiology of very large and beautiful social and solitary Australian huntsman spiders (  

Linda was one of two on-air scientists on the Discovery Science TV show ‘Monster Bug Wars’ about the behavior of predatory arthropods.  The shows can be viewed on Youtube where she recently discovered herself dubbed into Spanish and Polish. 

For more information
Contact or Ruth Hanessian at 301-674-RUTH (7884) or call the Rockville Science Center at 240-FUN-8111.
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