On Saturday, April 8 at 7:30 PM, the Cornell Chorus, under the direction of Robert Isaacs, will conclude its 2017 Atlantic Coast Tour with a performance at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2430 K Street, NW, in Washington, DC
The program will feature both classical and contemporary women’s choral music, including the Washington premier of two works by Mia Makaroff - Perception Test and Jump the Chromosome - commissioned by the Chorus. Jump the Chromosome will have special meaning for Cornellians because it celebrates the pathbreaking career of Cornell’s own Barbara McClintock, who won the Nobel Prize in physiology/medicine in 1983 for her discovery of transposons, also known as “jumping genes.”
The Chorus’s a cappella subset, After Eight, will also perform a few pop favorites, and the program will close with beloved Cornell Songs. Tickets for the concert are available for $20 ($15 for students) and can be purchased in advance at http://bit.ly/2lwcgIf. St. Paul’s is an intimate venue with seating for only 250 people, so we expect this performance will sell out.
As you may know, the expense of a Chorus tour is significant and is rarely covered by the sale of tickets. We hope you will consider a donation to help underwrite the costs of the Chorus’s visit and the reception that will follow this year’s concert. While the concert is general admission, all sponsorships include prime tickets in a reserved section of the Church, and certain sponsorships come with reserved parking behind the Church. Additional information on sponsorships can be found here. Any questions about the concert should be directed to CUChorusinDC@gmail.com.
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