*Please note that start date and time are tentative based on building availability and bathroom access- check back soon for final confirmation!*
Description: Volunteer with fellow Cornellians and Lands and Waters at an urban greening and conservation project at a NoVA elementary school! Volunteers will be involved in a schoolyard restoration project at Carlin Springs Elementary School.
The event will involve basic gardening and consist mostly of manual labor, including weeding, mulching, and maintaining paths. The site will provide us with all necessary tools; the only gardening items you need to bring are yourselves! Please dress in comfortable, easy-to-clean clothing.
Participants: Approximately 12 volunteers. This event is family-friendly, so please feel free to bring your children!
Metro and Parking: This event is not Metro accessible. Please indicate in your registration if you need or can provide a ride. Parking is available on site at the school.
Questions: Contact Laura Gonzales Meyers '04 at Lmg38@cornell.edu. Day-of questions: Jill Fields '88 at jaf53@cornell.edu or Jon Gallinger '82 at jon_gallinger@msn.com.
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