We had such a good time the past two years that we are going to do it again! Come see the National Zoo when it is lit up for the holidays. Visit the lions, tigers and bears – and reptiles and pandas. Ride the “Conservation Carousel” and “Zoo Choo-Choo.” Sip on hot chocolate with people who remember when Christmas decorations did not go up until after Thanksgiving.
Cost: Free (NO HUMBUG!!!!)
Contact: Margot Ross margot.j.ross@gmail.com 202 577 4542
The Zoo is midway between Woodley and Cleveland Park Metros.
The L2 bus stops in front. Parking is tight.
For more information about Zoo Lights:
For more information about BtoB go to:
If you have questions about BtoB contact us at boomerstobusters@gmail.com.
Boomers to Busters is sponsored by the University of Chicago Club of DC. It is targeted for undergraduate and graduate alumni of Chicago and other schools who were undergraduates from the 1970s to 1990s, and their spouses, partners, and guests.
Participating schools include Amherst, Barnard, Berkeley, Brown, Bryn Mawr, Carleton, Case Western Reserve, Carnegie Mellon, Chicago, Columbia, Connecticut, Cornell, Emory, Georgia Tech, Haverford, Johns Hopkins, Kenyon, Michigan, MIT, Mount Holyoke, Northwestern, Penn State, Pennsylvania, Pomona, Princeton, Smith, Stanford, Swarthmore, Tulane, Wellesley, Williams, Yale and the Capital Alumni Network. All others are welcome.