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Cornell Club of Washington

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  • Virtual Event: Cornell Club Mixer - Make friends with Cornellians around the world

Virtual Event: Cornell Club Mixer - Make friends with Cornellians around the world

  • 12/27/2020
  • 2:00 PM (EST)
  • Video chat (Details provided to Registrants)


Registration is closed

***Please note start time***

Bring your beverage of choice, and make friends with Cornellians around the world!

Mingle in small discussion groups centered around Cornell-related themes. Share your favorite spots in Collegetown, reminisce on the festivities of Spring/Slope Day, and learn how Cornell has changed over the decades.

We will use Zoom video chat and split everyone into small breakout rooms, so everyone has a chance to talk and share with just a few people. We will rotate everyone around, so you will meet many Cornellians through the mixer.

Event Schedule

- Pre-Party (11am - 2pm): Hop around themed breakout rooms

- Main Event (2pm-3pm ET): Small breakout rooms led by moderators

- After-Party (3pm-9pm ET): A stream of mini, rapid breakout rooms

- Come anytime, for a few minutes, or a few hours!

Questions: Tony Chen

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