"Epidemic" by David DeKok is a gripping tale of the devastating typhoid epidemic that affected Cornell University and Ithaca in 1903. Among the worst epidemics on a per capita basis in U.S. history, it devastated the local community and sent one third of Cornell students fleeing home. What were the factors that led to this crisis, and how did it permanently change Cornell in the aftermath? Join Corey Ryan Earle '07 and the class of 1972 for this discussion of Cornell in 1903 and how the university managed the most significant public health challenge in its history before COVID-19.
Recommended reading in advance (not required!):
-"Epidemic: A Collision of Power, Privilege, and Public Health" by David DeKok (Lyons Press, 2011)
or for a brief synopsis:
-"In Hot Water" by David DeKok (Cornell Alumni Magazine, January/February 2012), available online: http://cornellalumnimagazine.com/in-hot-water/
To view past presentations about Cornell history, visit: http://blogs.cornell.edu/cornellhistory/
Hosted by the Class of 1972 and open to all.
Questions: http://alumni.cornell.edu
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