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Cornell Club of Washington

  • HOME
  • In-Person Outdoor Event: International Spirit of Zinck’s Night - 2021

In-Person Outdoor Event: International Spirit of Zinck’s Night - 2021

  • 10/21/2021
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Wunder Garten, 1101 First Street NE Washington, DC 20002


Registration is closed

The Cornell Club of Washington invites all fellow alumni in Washington DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland to celebrate the legacy and tradition of Theodore Zinck's.

Theodore Zinck was a saloonkeeper in Ithaca and his pub, the Hotel Brunswick, was a popular gathering place for Cornellians in the 1890s. After his death in 1903, several bars using his name continued to provide a haven for students. When the last “Zinck’s” closed in the mid-60s, celebrating the spirit of Zinck’s became a favorite Thursday night Collegetown tradition of undergraduates. It wasn't long afterwards that Cornellians continued the tradition in their hometowns.

Come join us in DC!

Admission: Free (Registration required)

  • Cash bar and food trucks
  • Outdoors with tenting

Cornell COVID-19 Guidelines:

  • Face masks are required at all indoor events by all attendees, regardless of vaccination status. Outdoor masking is required for unvaccinated individuals. Outdoor masking is recommended (but not required) for vaccinated individuals participating in large outdoor events.

  • Participants cannot attend if they are sick or have been near someone who thinks they may have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19.

  • Participants should avoid direct contact, including handshakes and hugs, with others not from their household.

Metro: NoMa-Gallaudet U (Red Line)


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