When we think of flying, most of us conjure images of enormous international airports, endless security lines, parking hassles, and being trapped in a stressful situation.
General aviation pilots think of blue skies, boundless views, an exhilarating sense of freedom, and the idea we can basically go where we want, when we want and how we want. Join us as fellow CCW Members (and pilots) Justine Harrison and Eric Blinderman (share the passion for general aviation and the freedom to fly.
Representing the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, the world’s largest aviation organization, Justine (General Counsel and Corporate Secretary) and Eric (Senior Director of Communications) will lead a discussion to explore general aviation, what it provides individuals, families and companies, and discuss the value that the local airport provides to communities across the nation.
We’ll take a tour of Maryland’s busiest general aviation airport, talk about how flying is much more accessible than what many people believe, and discuss how general aviation is more a part of everyday life than what many think.
As important, we’ll see some general aviation aircraft up-close, including Cessna, Air-Cam, and Van’s, in this open-air event.
Specific topics we’ll cover:
1. You can fly. Getting into the cockpit and taking off to the skies is much more approachable than what is commonly believed. AOPA champions several efforts to make aviation more accessible and affordable. We’ll discuss programs in Frederick and across the nation that bring people closer to this amazing passion.
2. The value of the local airport. It’s much more than the playground of the few. Learn how your local airport is vital in emergency rescue and operations, law enforcement, economic development and disaster relief.
3. What AOPA does to protect America’s freedom to fly – on Capitol Hill and across the nation.
Justine and Eric bring interesting stories of how they got to the flight deck, but are both rooted in a long love of aviation. Aviation for Justine began as a hobby, flying to places for pleasure and adventure, but then became a business tool that saved her time and allowed her to access clients in places that had no commercial airline service. Since then, Justine has owned airplanes, built one, and even got a little jet time along the way.
Eric recently earned his private pilot certificate, ending his status as a long-lapsed student and finally putting the manuals he bought as a young lad to work. He took his newly minted certificate earlier this year and flew the challenging route to Oshkosh, Wisc., to EAA AirVenture, the world’s largest airshow.
Another thing Justine and Eric share in common is their hunger to learn more. They embody the mantra that a pilot’s certificate is really a license to learn.
- Registration is free and limited to 30 CCW Members only (no guests).
- Face masks are required at all indoor events by all attendees, regardless of vaccination status. Outdoor masking is required for unvaccinated individuals.
- Participants should avoid direct contact, including handshakes and hugs, with others not from their household.
- Participants cannot attend if they are sick or have been near someone who thinks they may have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19.
- We will do the event rain or shine.
Questions: programming@cornellclubdc.org