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  • Book Discussion: DREAM HOARDERS: Virtual

Book Discussion: DREAM HOARDERS: Virtual

  • 10/23/2024
  • 6:30 PM
  • Virtual - Online
  • 8


Book Discussion: 

DREAM HOARDERS: How the American Upper Middle Class Is Leaving Everyone Else in the Dust, Why That Is a Problem, and What to Do About It   by Richard V. Reeves (2018.)

See a couple of its many reviews at

and at

Join CCW members for one of two discussions:  Option 1 is completely online, and Option II is in person, Metro accessible in Arlington, location TBD. All are welcome, especially if you serve on a scholarship committee or scholarship providing institution, and if you are concerned with the concepts of education/tax policy, equity or how the cost of education at Cornell remains out of reach for too many Americans.  (CCW members can be focused on this book with an interest in conscientiously constructing our club's scholarship mission and practice.)

It's a quick read, and the audiobook goes fast, too. (8 chapters, each averaging 35 minutes.) 

Online:  Tentatively Monday, October 23 5:15 - 6:30 pm by Zoom. REGISTER here and the meeting link will sent later closer to the event date

In Person: Tentatively Tuesday, October 24, 6:30 - 8pm  TBD - Register separately at  Participants will be e-mailed the location after they register. 

Free. Registration closes 24 hours before each event.  Please send an update to if you should need to cancel your registration. It is very helpful for planning! 

Questions about either event, contact Maggie Carpenter at

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