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Cornell Club of Washington

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  • Walking the Battle: Seeing Gettysburg at 150

Walking the Battle: Seeing Gettysburg at 150

  • 10/20/2013
  • 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, PA
  • 2


  • Payment will be required if you are selected from the wait list.

Registration is closed
TRIP ON as scheduled - Government and parks open.

To honor the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, the Cornell and Columbia Clubs of Washington present an all-day guided bus trip to the Gettysburg National Military Park.

Our guide will be Cornell Professor David Silbey, a Cornell alumnus and military historian who has published widely on modern warfare and has long experience walking the Gettysburg battlefield. 

Professor Silbey says "Gettysburg is perhaps the most important battle in American military history, fought in the middle year of the most important war in US military history.  It has become both a defining historical event and overwhelming cultural memory for Americans.  The best way to understand why and how is to go to the battlefield itself, understand the armies that fought there and the ground they fought on, and find out what brought the armies to central Pennsylvania that hot July week. 

On this trip, we will look at that battlefield, understand its geography and location and trace through the elements of the battle - how they occurred, how they were experienced, and how they were understood then and long after.  Finally, we will talk about the legend of Gettysburg and how it became an iconic moment in American history, one that belonged to Union and Confederate alike."

David Silbey is a military historian, focusing on modern warfare.  Dr. Silbey's first book, The British Working Class and Enthusiasm for War, 1914-1916 was published by Taylor & Francis in 2005.  His second book, A War of Empire and Frontier: The Philippine-American War, 1899-1902 was published by Hill & Wang in Spring 2007.  His third book, The Boxer Rebellion and the Great Game in China, 1900 was published by Hill & Wang in March 2012.  He received his BA from Cornell and his MA and Ph.D from Duke University.

Please note:
  • Seats are limited.
  • Tour at battlefield includes riding bus and walking on uneven ground and climbing stairs.
  • Ticket-holders may join/leave the tour at the Gettysburg Visitor Center (but ticket price remains the same).
  • Admission to the Visitor Center's museum gallery, film and cyclorama program is extra.
Pickup (Washington) - Westfield Montgomery Mall
Mall Location Map
7101 Democracy Blvd  Bethesda, MD 20817
Parking Map

Gettysburg - Gettysburg Museum and Visitor Center
1195 Baltimore Pike, Gettysburg, PA 17325

CCW member - $55
ColumbiaDC member - $55 (SOLD OUT - taking names for waiting list)
  • Tickets are $55 per person for Club members only (plus one guest at $55).  Ticket includes:
    • Roundtrip chartered coach from the DC area.
    • Free all-day parking at pickup site.
    • Complimentary cold drinks and snacks served aboard.
    • Buffet lunch adjacent to the battlefield.
Jim Schoonmaker (Cornell)

Kambiz Rahnavardy (Columbia)
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