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Cornell Club of Washington

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  • Ivy Singles Harvest Season Soiree - City Tavern Club

Ivy Singles Harvest Season Soiree - City Tavern Club

  • 11/15/2013
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (EST)
  • City Tavern Club 3206 M St NW Washington, DC

The Dartmouth Club and the Cornell Club of Washington DC take pleasure in inviting you to the Ivy Single Social Club’s Harvest Season Soiree in The Long Room and the Bliss Room, upstairs at The City Tavern Club in  the Heart of Georgetown

6:30 to 9:00 pm

Hors d’oeuvres and Cash Bar

We return to our November venue, the second oldest building in the District of Columbia. It was built in 1796 when Georgetown was well established from colonial times and the City of Washington merely comprised a vast construction site.  A focal point for Georgetown elections and civic events, the City Tavern has associations with Presidents Washington, Jefferson, and Adams.  The building and its furnishings were restored in 1962 and present a fine example of the American Federal Style.  For views of the City Tavern please see

Attire is business or cocktail.  Guests are welcome.        

Dress: Business

Foggy Bottom-GWU (Blue/Orange)


Getting there: Some limited street parking is available in Georgetown but there are several large commercial garages nearby.  Georgetown’s closest Metrorail stop is Foggy Bottom, about 8 blocks away, but many buses serve Georgetown.  

Metro trip planner -

Circulator buses -


Price Tentative until 10/15/13

Advance payment registration is $30.  Registration by email, phone, or at the door is $35.

There are two options for advance payment registration: you can register
Online -  Pay Here -  Enter your school in the comments section at the second screen.

Check - Mail in a check: note your school on the check, make your check payable to “The Dartmouth Club of Washington DC”, and mail it to Dan Crowley, 1440 N St NW #202, Washington DC 20005. 

Advance registration checks must be received by Tuesday, November 13.  To minimize lines at check in, please RSVP providing you name and school by email to, or by phone to 202 446-8542, or respond to the Invite. 


Dan Crowley

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